Ellie Dullea headshot

Major: Kinesiology - Health Sciences concentration
Major: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

As a Loewenstern fellow, Ellie Dullea, a junior at Brown College double majoring in kinesiology and ecology and evolutionary biology, was stationed in the Philippines in a small Rural Health Clinic in the town of Alcantara. While on the island, Ellie worked beside the town doctor, a team of nurses and midwives, and a group of volunteer Barangay health workers in order to deliver medical care and implement public health programs within the community. Ellie's favorite part of the experience were the connections she made with her host family and co-workers at the clinic.

"One of the most exciting parts of this experience was seeing how the public health programs I had learned about in my health science classes at Rice were implemented in the real world. I really do feel that my major in Kinesiology gave me the educational background necessary to get the most out of my time in the Philippines," said Ellie.

Read more about the Loewenstern fellowship: https://bit.ly/2ynrA47


S203 Tudor Fieldhouse

(713)348-8318 (Office)
(713)348-8808 (Fax)


6100 Main St, MS-545 Houston, TX 77005

Our offices are located on the 2nd floor of Tudor Fieldhouse on the east side of the building. The easiest way to access our suite is to enter through the east side door that faces the intramural fields and Wiess College. You will then go up the stairway to the 2nd floor, and our suite will be through the open door ahead on the right.